2025 California Charter School Authorizers Conference

Conference Sponsorship & Exhibiting Opportunities

The California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) invites sponsors to be a presence at the fourth California Charter School Authorizers Conference:

June 16-18, 2025
Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa

CCAP is helping to establish a system of supports, networking, and learning opportunities to promote high quality charter school authorizing among school districts and county offices of education throughout California. The conference is the key state convening in the authorizing field, drawing 120-150 district and county staff and board members, attorneys, charter school leaders, consultants, and other officials. The event includes plenary sessions, concurrent presentations, role-alike meetings, receptions, and a special preconference on “Charter Authorizing & Oversight 101.”

Sponsorship/exhibition opportunities, benefits, rates:

Supporter – $500:

  • Acknowledgement in communications and materials
  • Option to include small informational/promotional materials in attendee bag


    Vendor Table – $1,100

    Vendor table in the main hallway by the conference meeting rooms

    • 1 full conference registration
      • Additional registrations at a discounted price
    • Acknowledgement in presentation slides, if applicable

    Attendee Bag Sponsor – $1,500

    Your logo on the conference bag distributed to all attendees

    • Add company promotional material or promotional item
    • Company Logo and recognition on Thank you sign at the conference
    • Acknowledgement in presentation slides, if applicable
    • ADD-ON a Vendor table with 1 full conference registration – $1,000
      • Additional registrations at a discounted price

    Contributor – $1,500:

    • Vendor table
    • 1 full conference registration
      • Additional registrations at a discounted price
    • Add company promo material or promotional item to attendee bag
    • Company Logo and recognition on Thank you sign at the conference

    Conference Notebook – $2,000

    Your logo on the conference notebook distributed to all attendees

    • Add company promo material or promotional item to attendee conference bag
    • ADD-ON a Vendor table with 1 full conference registration – $1,000
      • Additional registrations at a discounted price
    • Company Logo and recognition on Thank you sign at the conference
    • Acknowledgement in presentation slides, if applicable

    Partner – $2,500

    CCAP’s highest level of sponsorship and most exposure

    • Welcome message presentation (3 minutes in person or recorded)
    • Product giveaway opportunity during the vent you choose
    • Vendor table
    • 1 full conference registration
    • Additional registrations at a discounted price
    • Company Logo and recognition on Thank you sign at the conference

    Sponsors get the opportunity to interact with a high-powered group of attendees large enough to be impactful yet small enough to allow for meaningful visibility and engagement with all.

    Important note: Like conference presenters, exhibitors and other in-person attendees are expected to register for the conference. We appreciate your understanding of the economics of smaller conferences — and besides, we encourage you to get to know our attendees by joining them for sessions, meals, and receptions! And many sponsorship levels include one registration. 

    To discuss and secure a sponsorship opportunity, please select the Sponsorship Opportunities button below or email registration@alexiasregteam.org or call 916.244.3520

    We look hope to see you in Palm Springs!