"This is the second of a two-part Fiscal Report article to address the provisions in Senate Bill (SB) 98 (Chapter 24/2020) that uniquely affect charter schools. In this article, we will cover the changes related to charter school definitions in SB 98 and how those...
News & Updates
SSC Fiscal Report: The 2020-21 State Budget and Charter Schools (Part 1)
"In large part, the 2020-21 Adopted State Budget included numerous changes that affect all local educational agencies (LEAs). From the hold harmless provision that provides for the use of 2019-20 average daily attendance (ADA) for 2020-21, to the almost $12 billion in...
Charter Authorizing 2.0
In an innovative new project, CCAP is partnering with WestEd on CA2.0 – Advancing Equity and Access Through Quality Authorizing to develop a comprehensive set of actionable tools and resources that meet the varied needs of California authorizers, with a special focus...
Tri-State Alliance Call: The Use and Misuse of Testing During COVID
The Tri-State Alliance and CACSA hosted a conference call on July 23rd to discuss testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the interruption in learning from remote learning last the spring, and potential disruptions this year, there are likely to be wide...
Small School Districts’ Association and California Charter Authorizing Professionals Announce Partnership to Advance Quality Authorizing in Public Education
Sacramento, CA; July 2020 – The California Small School Districts’ Association (SSDA), and California Charter Authorizing professionals (CCAP), announce a new partnership to advance quality authorizing in public education. SSDA is the leading association...
Update for District and County Charter School Authorizers: SB 98 Impacts on Charter Schools
Update for District and County Charter School Authorizers SB 98 Impacts on Charter Schools Senate Bill (“SB”) 98, the Budget Education Trailer Bill, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on June 29, 2020, has several immediate impacts specific to charter schools. Changes...
CCAP’s June Newsletter
This month’s newsletter covers the following topics: Updates from CDE regarding the implementation of AB 1505 Helpful guidelines for school reopening Safe School Seven: Critical Components of a Remote Education Plan Latest Tri-State Alliance Work Legislature Releases...
Updates from CDE Regarding Implementation of AB 1505 By Edward Sklar and Everett McLean
On May 29, 2020, the California Department of Education (“CDE”) released a memo providing updates pertaining to the implementation of AB 1505. AB 1505, which becomes operational July 1, 2020, changes the submission process for new charter school petitions....
CCAP State Update from Board President Patterson
Dr. David Patterson, California Charter Authorizing Professionals Board President, shares informational highlights for the Tri-State Annual Convening. On June 6th, 2020 Board President Patterson was interviewed by CCAP Executive Director Victor F. Torres in...
Tri-State Weekly Call: Authorizer Oversight of Charter School Reopening During COVID19
During state-wide orders for mandatory distance learning, there was little conflict between charter schools and authorizers over the need to close school buildings. Next fall, guidance about how schools should operate could be more ambiguous. Public health conditions...