The role of authorizers has shifted during the COVID-19 crisis. CCAP conducted a webinar on May 5 to engage in conversations around what oversight could look like now and moving forward. The webinar provides the most current national and fiscal updates, up-to-date...
News & Updates
COVID-19 Resources
CCAP is monitoring information pertaining to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) regularly and procuring resources to better support your work. Join our webinars to learn directly from our panel of experts. The webinars will also be uploaded for your convenience.

COVID-19 Webinar Series #5: The May Revision
CCAP conducted a webinar on May 21 to provide an overview of Governor Newsom's 2019-20 May Revision and the possible implications on local educational agency budgets. There were also discussions to provide insight into the possible impact on charter schools, how...
Governor Newsom Released Executive Order N-56-20
On April 23rd, Governor Newsom issued an executive order that extends the deadline for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and requires schools to publish a report explaining how they responded to COVID-19, the steps implemented to deliver distance...
COVID-19 Webinar Series #3 Cash Flow Management
Debi Deal, Fiscal Expert and retired Fiscal Intervention Specialist with FCMAT, hosted an in-depth and essential conversation about cash flow management on April 27th. The following topics were covered: Cash Flow Management Projecting Cash Flow Cash Borrowing Options...
“By Applying for Federal Waivers States can Shake Loose Grant Funding”
Alex Medler is the former senior director of the National Charter School Resource Center. To read his article, "By Applying For Federal Waivers, States Can Shake Loose Grant Funding to Help Schools During The Pandemic. Here's How" To read the article click here.
CASBO Newsbreak 2020-22
The California Association of School Business Officials provides COVID-19 updates and information for upcoming webinars. In CASBO Newsbreak 2020-22, Sara C. Bachez and Elizabeth Esquivel discuss: Department of Finance Update FEMA Funding Update CalPERS Upcoming...
COVID-19 Webinar Series #2: Federal/National and California Fiscal Updates
In these uncertain times, CCAP remains focused on its commitment to advancing quality public education for all students by providing charter school authorizing professionals with support, resources, and opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue. CCAP conducted a...
COVID-19 Webinar Series #1: Resources for Authorizers
In these uncertain times, CCAP remains focused on its commitment to advancing quality public education for all students by providing charter school authorizing professionals with support, resources, and opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue. CCAP conducted a...

California Association of School Business Officials (COVID-19)
Visit CASBO for up-to-date local and national resources on COVID-19. Topics that are discussed are: Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order to Ensure State Funding for School Districts is Available to Address the Novel COVID-19 Outbreak Governor Newsom and Legislature...

National Association of Charter School Authorizers (COVID-19)
A message from NACSA: "NACSA is working to comprehensively respond to the many needs, questions, and issues emerging for authorizers each day. This page is a continual work in progress; please check back often as we add examples from authorizers and new resources and...