How You Can Help Prevent Fraud in California’s Public Schools

CCAP has moved into the next phase of its fraud prevention initiative since releasing the report of its Anti-Fraud Task Force, Protecting California Public Schools Against Fraud, in April.

While disseminating the report and its recommendations at conferences, meetings, and webinars, in California and nationally, CCAP also is assembling eight Implementation Working Groups to help put the recommendations into practice. While some recommendations would require legislative or regulatory changes, most do not. But small authorizers and small charter schools will need support, help, and models to facilitate their implementation.

CCAP is looking for volunteers to serve on the working groups to draft effective policies, create templates, design review systems, and develop models and samples that charter schools, authorizers, and other stakeholders can easily put into place.

By implementing these recommendations to prevent and detect fraudulent fiscal activity, together we can safeguard the integrity of the entire public school system in California. Thanks to those who already have stepped forward, and please consider volunteering by completing our brief survey.

Click Here to Volunteer

Fraud Prevention Resources

CCAP’s report is one of three prominent reports released in 2024 to address lessons learned from the A3 and other fraud cases:

Review of the Funding Determination Process on Nonclassroom-Based Charter Schools
Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) and California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), February 2024: Addresses charter oversight concerns as part of its review of funding nonclassroom-based schools.

Protecting California Public Schools Against Fraud
California Charter Authorizing Professionals, April 2024: Proposes 20 actionable recommendations focused on preventing, detecting, and prosecuting fraud in California’s charter schools and in the larger public school system.

Audit Best Practices for Detecting and Curtailing Charter School Fraud
Multi-Agency Charter School Task Force, led by the State Controller’s Office (SCO),
September 2024: Makes 20 recommendations concerning auditor qualifications and conflicts of interest.

CCAP has also compiled news coverage of the issue and these reports here.