Quarterly Regional Trainings
Registration is open for the October Quarterly Regional Training by CASI*, the Charter Authorizer Support Initiative. This training focuses on Fiscal oversight and will be presented by Michelle Giacomini, Deputy Executive Director of FCMAT, the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, Jennifer Noga, Intervention Specialist, FCMAT, and CCAP Treasurer and financial consultant Debi Deal, formerly of FCMAT. The session will address signs of fiscal distress and financial monitoring practices, and based on feedback from the CCAP conference in June it will include a hands-on review of charter school financial documents.
As with our April trainings, there is a virtual session and up to three in-person sessions hosted by local partner county offices of education, provided there is enough interest. The in-person sessions are open only to charter school authorizers, who are invited to bring financials of their authorized schools with them to review any questions with presenters. The virtual training is open to both authorizers and non-authorizer partners, and in this session sample financials will be provided. Please register early so we can gauge the interest in the three regional meetings.
• Virtual: October 14, 2022 (all welcome)
• Los Angeles (LACOE): October 17, 2022 (In-person, authorizers only)
• Salinas (Monterey COE): October 19, 2022 (In-person, authorizers only)
• Placerville (El Dorado COE): October 21, 2022 (In-person, authorizers only)
Monthly Charter Chats
CASI’s monthly Charter Chats are virtual statewide meetings held from 10 to 11 a.m. (PST) on the last Wednesday of each month.
In addition to the latest legislative, financial, and programmatic information, best practices, and other hot topics in charter authorizing, a mainstay of Charter Chats is regional breakout rooms to compare notes, and pose questions. Register here to participate.
Whether or not you can attend these meetings, please visit the CASI website regularly to make sure you stay informed about changes that impact responsibilities of authorizers. The website contains links to discussions, resources, and videos of Quarterly Regional Trainings and Charter Chats.
July’s resources, for example, include FAQ’s on the CDE’s new guidance for universal PreK and transitional kindergarten, and a bill proposing changes that would affect the unduplicated count under the Local Control Funding Formula.
*CCAP and the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) received a sub-grant from the California Department of Education (CDE), under the Federal Charter Schools Programs, to co-manage CASI in collaboration with the CDE.