English Learners and School Choice: Helping Charter Schools Serve Multilingual Families: Policies for Delivering on Charter Schools’ Equity Potential
Given their flexibility, “high-quality charter schools…can be a powerful force for educational equity,” especially for English learners, writes Conor P. Williams in this report. However, many multilingual families are often unaware that charter schools are an option or that a lottery for enrollment is underway. Williams offers abundant recommendations for how federal, state and local policies could increase equitable access and opportunities for English learners, including inexpensive ideas, such as reaching out to community organizations that work with immigrant families.

State: Nationwide
Document Type: English Learner Resources
Major Area(s) of Work:
Lifecycle Phase: All Lifecycle Phases
School Type: Bilingual School/Program
Document Format: pdf
Number of Pages: 22
Language: English
Publication Date: April 2019
Version: Final
Status: Published