The Initial Charter Petition Toolkit
The Initial Charter Petition Toolkit explains each step of the petition submission and review process, the petition components, the timeline, and the general criteria for approving or denying a petition. Each of the five sections builds on the previous one to create a thorough, user-friendly guide.
1. Introduction
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit
Petition Toolkit Intro Video
Petition Toolkit Intro PowerPoint
2. Overview
A summary of the petition submission and review process, responsibilities of the chartering authority, applicant eligibility and timeline, and petition submission and review process.
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit - Overview
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit - Overview Video
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit - Overview Powerpoint
3. Petition Template:
The required elements of a charter petition including content and format of charter petitions, 15 charter elements (16 for county-authorized schools), supplemental criteria, and petitioner certification and cover page.
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit: Petition Template
Petition Template Video
Petition Template PowerPoint
4. Petition Evaluation Rubric:
All the statutorily required components of a petition, an initial petition review checklist, and a rubric for evaluating the required charter elements.
Initial Charter Petition Toolkit: Charter Petition Evaluation Rubric
Evaluation Rubric Video
Evaluation Rubric PowerPoint
5. Findings of Fact Document:
What to look for in a charter petition review to make a recommendation about approval or denial, including a template for reporting on the findings that are aligned with the legal standards for review.