May Newsletter

This month’s newsletter covers the following topics: Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-56-20 Tools to assist with planning school reopening after COVID-19 Invitation to join in on weekly Tri-State Alliance Calls COVID-19 Resources Helpful links to assist...

Tri-State Weekly Call: Charter Renewal During COVID

The Tri-State Alliance is hosting a weekly webinar series on authorizing tasks and how they are affected by the health crisis. The webinar on May 14 addressed ways that authorizers are modifying the charter renewal process to accommodate the COVID-19 crisis. Resources...

Tri-State Weekly Call: Year Zero During COVID

The first Tri-State/CACSA Weekly Call, May 7th, focused on how authorizers are managing schools that had planned to open next fall (Year Zero schools). This same approach to Year Zero also applies to expansion and replication schools. Starting a new charter school is...

Governor Newsom Released Executive Order N-56-20

On April 23rd, Governor Newsom issued an executive order that extends the deadline for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and requires schools to publish a report explaining how they responded to COVID-19, the steps implemented to deliver distance...

COVID-19 Webinar Series #3 Cash Flow Management

Debi Deal, Fiscal Expert and retired Fiscal Intervention Specialist with FCMAT, hosted an in-depth and essential conversation about cash flow management on April 27th. The following topics were covered: Cash Flow Management Projecting Cash Flow Cash Borrowing Options...