Tiffany DeGraffenreid joined the CCAP Board of Directors in February of 2024, bringing with her two decades of charter school experience, including first-hand knowledge of the discrete needs and operations of independent study and nonclassroom-based charter schools...
News & Updates
Dozens of fixes proposed to deter more mega-cases of charter school fraud: A handful of corrupt operators capitalized on weaknesses in the authorizing and accountability system
EdSource CCAP co-founder and board president, David Patterson, discusses how recommendations in CCAP's Anti-Fraud Task Force report could correct weaknesses in California's public school funding system and help detect, prosecute, and deter future attempts by shady...
What Charter Schools and Authorizers Should be Doing to Prevent Fraud, According to New Report
San Diego Union-Tribune Tom Hutton, Executive Director of California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP), discusses recommendations for detecting and preventing public school fraud in CCAP’s Anti-Fraud Task Force report, Protecting California Public Schools...
20 Recommendations to Address Fraud in Public Schools: Anti-Fraud Task Force Report Urges Stronger Oversight & Policies
After a year of extensive fact-gathering and discussion, a broad-based statewide Anti-Fraud Task Force convened by California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) has released 20 recommendations to strengthen California's capacity to prevent, detect, and prosecute...
CCAP extends a warm welcome to new Executive Director of SSDA!
CCAP congratulates Yuri Calderon on being named the new Executive Director of the Small School Districts’ Association (SSDA), effective June 1, 2024. Calderon is an attorney with decades of experience in public education including as general and special counsel for...
Most California Charter Schools Meet State’s New Performance Levels
The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the 2023 data placing all of the state's charter schools that are not Dashboard Alternative School Status schools (DASS schools) into High, Middle, or Low performance categories for purposes of renewal. Most...
LAO and FCMAT Findings and Recommendations on Nonclassroom-Based Charter Schools Funding Determinations
The state Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) have issued their much anticipated “Review of the Funding Determination Process for Nonclassroom-Based Charter Schools.” The report includes significant...
Spring 2024
CCAP's Spring Newsletter contains: Authorizers in Action - Oakland Unified School District: Bridging Divisions Through Transparency & Trust Keeping up with CASI CCAP's 2024 California Charter School Authorizers Conference Update on Fraud Prevention Initiative Read...
Oakland Unified School District: Bridging Divisions Through Transparency & Trust
Authorizer in Action Long before he was elected to the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Board of Education in 2020, Board President Mike Hutchinson was staunchly and publicly opposed to charter school expansion in the district. "My line will always be that...
Come Again! Or Come for the First Time! Returning and New Attendees Share Their Conference Favorites
Bring your clone - or better yet, some colleagues! Dr. Jeffrey Hunt is a familiar face at CCAP's California Charter School Authorizers Conferences. He attended the inaugural 2022 conference in Costa Mesa and returned in 2023 for the Palm Springs conference not only...