News & Updates

News from CCAP

CASI is Off to a Great Start!

Spring training and network building are well underway through the Charter Authorizer Support Initiative (CASI), the statewide initiative for authorizers. CCAP is implementing CASI in collaboration with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) and regional...

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CASI is on the Go

Monthly Charter Chats CASI, the Charter Authorizer Support Initiative, is off to a great start. About 50 participants joined the first of CASI’s free monthly Charter Chats on Zoom on March 30. CCAP and the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), which are...

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Sign up for First CASI Charter Chat!

Thanks to those who were able to join the statewide introductory kickoff meeting on Monday, February 28, for the new Charter Authorizer Support Initiative (CASI). The initiative, funded by the California Department of Education, is a collaboration between CCAP and the...

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Meet CCAP’s newest board members

CCAP has three new board members who bring a wide range of expertise in charter school oversight and administration as well as specific focuses on ensuring equity for underserved students. Here are their brief bios; you can read more about them here. Indra Ciccarelli...

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