Whether you’re an authorizer with a portfolio of dozens of schools or just one, rural or urban, “newbie” or “old hand,” a CBO or academic program manager, a board member or superintendent, a charter school leader or CMO administrator, state policymaker or community advocate, school attorney or risk manager, everyone involved in charter school authorizing will find something valuable at CCAP’s California Charter School Authorizers Conference.

You won’t want to miss our keynote speakers and panels:

  • San Diego Deputy District Attorneys Leon Schorr and Kevin Fannan on lessons learned from prosecuting the A3 Education fraud scandal;
  • Hot Topics in California Charter Schooling and Authorizing with a panel including Mike Walsh of the state Advisory Commission on Charters Schools;
  • A discussion of District-Charter Collaboration, Community Interest, and Strategic Authorizing with a panel including Naomi Rubin DeVeaux of the National Charter Schools Institute; and
  • A Look Forward to the Future of Charters with a panel including Don Shalvey, founder of California’s first charter school and founder of Aspire Public Schools, and Tim Taylor, Executive Director of the Small School Districts’ Association, and moderated EdSource senior correspondent John Fensterwald.

Come a day early, June 22, and take advantage of Charter Authorizing & Oversight 101, our full-day preconference workshop for new authorizers or those who could use a refresher. The preconference also will prepare beginners to make the most of the full conference. This introduction covers key phases of the charter life cycle and is presented by the state Charter Authorizer Support Initiative (CASI) supported by a grant from the California Department of Education and implemented by CCAP and the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

Choose from a dozen breakout and skills sessions with excellent presenters, including:

  • Financial oversight and fiscal distress in charters, featuring Michael Fine and Michelle Giacomini, Chief and Deputy Executive Officers of FCMAT
  • Recent changes in California charter school law
  • Verified data and alternative academic measures
  • Looking out for English learners and students with disabilities in charters
  • Oversight challenges with hybrid and nonclassroom based schools
  • Charter school authorizing for district and county board members
  • The new school petition process and the CCAP Petition Toolkit
  • You Are Not Alone: Help balancing oversight and support in authorizing
  • Voice Your Thoughts! On new and pending legislation and issues

You’ll also have opportunities to network with colleagues from around the state; to compare notes and frustrations; and to share ideas with colleagues who wear the same professional “hat” as you in role-alike meetings for:

  • Small/rural authorizers
  • Large/urban authorizers
  • CBOs and financial staff
  • Academic/education program managers and school leaders
  • Board members
  • Attorneys

Check it out for yourself. Click here for the conference schedule, here to register, and here to make your hotel reservations. You’ll need to reserve your room by May 31, to get the conference rate. Use our conference hashtag to share conference information with colleagues: #CCAPConf2022.