Meeting the Unique Needs of Long Term English Language Learners: Au Guide for Educators
Even though federal education law has designated English learners as a “significant subgroup,” many schools are not providing ELs with access to an adequate, and high-quality curriculum, leading to high drop-out rates, low college completion rates and a large population of Long Term English Learners (LTELs), whose unique learning needs are often unaddressed. This guide explains why LTELs are not getting an appropriate education and provides examples of the most successful high school programs for these students.

State: California
Document Type: English Learner Resources, Reference
Major Area(s) of Work:
Lifecycle Phase: All Lifecycle Phases
School Type: All School Types, Bilingual School/Program
Document Format: pdf
Number of Pages: 41
Language: English
Publication Date: March 2014
Version: Final
Status: Published