Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long-Term English Learners
This call to action to address the lack of attention to the challenges facing Long Term English Learners (LTELs) prompted state policymakers to enact new regulations to support these students, and those at risk of becoming LTELs, in receiving the necessary support to becoming academically proficient in English, enabling them to graduate from high school. The report galvanized many secondary school teachers to collaborate with their districts to better understand the problem and develop new courses to support LTELs. These innovations were compiled in a 2012 publication by Californians Together, Secondary Schools Courses Designed to Address the Language Needs and Academic Gaps of Long Term English Learners and the 2021 follow-up, Renewing Our Promise: Research and Recommendations to Support California’s Long-Term English Learners.

State: California
Document Type: English Learner Resources
Major Area(s) of Work:
Lifecycle Phase: All Lifecycle Phases
School Type: All School Types, Bilingual School/Program
Document Format: pdf
Number of Pages: 68
Language: English
Publication Date: 2010
Version: Final
Status: Published