Share Your Input on AB 1505 Regulations

CDE has invited CCAP to provide input from the field in an upcoming meeting to develop state regulations for the implementation of Assembly Bill 1505. Our friends at WestEd are helping to gather the input for CDE and will report to the State Board of Education the...

SB 820: Education Budget Trailer Bill Webinar

On September 30th, 2020, CCAP conducted a webinar on the recently-signed education budget trailer bill, Senate Bill 820, and the guidance it provides on spending during COVID. Our presenter was: Brianna Garcia, Director of Management Consulting Services for School...

COVID-19 Webinar Series #6: Key Authorizer Update

CCAP conducted a webinar on Key Authorizer Updates, September 16th, 2020. The webinar featured the following speakers and an open discussion session: Ed Sklar, Partner, Lozano Smith, Attorneys at Law, provided a refresher on recent changes in the law affecting...